Emergency Road Closure - L2503 Lacken

The L2503 at Lacken will be closed on Tuesday, 25 October and Wednesday, 26 October 2022 for the purpose of emergency roadworks

Roads closed:

L2503 from its junction with the L6554 (Legaginney Cross) to the junction with the L6552 (Scarvy Bridge)


Alternative routes

  • Westbound Traffic: From Legaginney Cross divert via L6554 to the junction with the L2514 (Corduff), via the L2514 to junction with L2512 (Middletown Cross), via L2512 to junction with the L2504 (Drumcarey Cross), via the L2504 to the junction with the L6552.
  • Eastbound Traffic: The same alternative routes in reverse will apply to traffic travelling Eastbound.

Local access will be accommodated where possible. Diversions will be signposted for the duration of the works.

Mr. Paddy Connaughton
Director of Service
Cavan County Council