In the this Decade of Centenaries 'Webisode' Series, Cavan County Council Historian in Residence Dr Brendan Scott presents informative talks focusing on historical incidents of note that occurred in Cavan 100 years ago.

The full lectures can be accessed at the links below at any time. This lecture series forms part of Cavan County Council's Decade of Centenaries 2022 programme and is supported by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 Initiative.

Watch Webisode Four (airs 28th September, 7.30pm)

The last in a series of four 'webisodes' by Cavan Historian-in-Residence Dr Brendan Scott. This edition focuses on 'Cavan Historians During the Early 20th Century and Revolutionary Period'

Webisode airs at 7.30pm on Thursday, 28th September. Presented as part of the Decade of Centenaries Commemorations in association with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

Watch Webisode Three (airs 21st September, 7.30pm)

The third in a series of four 'webisodes' by Cavan Historian-in-Residence Dr Brendan Scott. This edition focuses on 'The Attacks on Barracks in County Cavan During the Revolutionary Period'

Webisode airs at 7.30pm on Thursday, 21st September. Presented as part of the Decade of Centenaries Commemorations in association with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

Watch Webisode Two

The second in a series of four 'webisodes' by Cavan Historian-in-Residence Dr Brendan Scott. This edition focuses on 'Captain Richard Maxwell and the Attacks on Arley and Fortland 1922-1924'

Webisode airs at 7.30pm on Thursday, 14 September. Presented as part of the Decade of Centenaries Commemorations in association with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

Watch Webisode One

The first in a series of four 'webisodes' by Cavan Historian-in-Residence Dr Brendan Scott. This edition focuses on 'The Swanlinbar Attacks, 1920'.

Episode airs at 7.30pm (Irish time) on Thursday, 7 September.