The Climate Action team is working for all our communities to address climate change through a series of climate actions that improve our energy efficiency and contribute to making the county resilient to the challenges of climate change, through the Local Authority Climate Action Plan along with the Community Climate Action Programme.
To meet our commitments and targets set out in the National Climate Action Plan, Cavan County Council is developing a Local Authority Climate Action Plan.

Climate Action News
News and updates on Cavan County Council's Climate Action work

Climate Action Week
Climate Action Week aims to raise awareness about the actions we can take individually and locally, while showcasing ongoing projects and initiatives across the county. This week serves as a platform to inspire local action and drive positive change. See events taking place over the next week here.

Climate Action Plan 2024-29
Making Cavan County Council a climate resilient and low carbon organisation that inspires, leads, and supports ambitious action to achieve a climate neutral local economy

Documents and Resources
Documents and resources associated with the development of the Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029
County Cavan's Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029