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PEACEPLUS is a new funding programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland, building upon the work of the previous PEACE and INTERREG Programmes. The design reflects the importance of peace-building activity, but also the importance of actions that will contribute positively to the economy, building prosperity and adjusting to the new environment and challenges we face.

Programme Overview

An Overview of the EU PEACEPLUS Programme can be found here. This document presents an Overview of the Themes and Investment Areas that have been approved by the NI Executive, Irish Government and North South Ministerial Council. This is not yet approved by the European Commission and is therefore subject to change. The Overview is intended to provide information to potential applicants to enable project development to continue. Further detailed guidance will be made available following Commission approval. 

The Programme Thematic and Investment Areas are as follows:

Theme 1: Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities:

  • 1.1 Co-Designed Local Authority Community Action Plans
  • 1.2 Empowering Communities - small grants
  • 1.3 Building Positive Relations
  • 1.4 Reimaging communities

 Theme 2: Delivery Economic Regeneration and Tranformation:

  • 2.1 SME Development and Transition
  • 2.2 Innovation Challenge Fund
  • 2.3 Programme Area Skills Development
  • 2.4 Smart Towns and Villages

Theme 3: Empowering and Investing in our Young People:

  • 3.1 Shared Learning Together Programme.
  • 3.2 PEACE PLUS Youth Programme.
  • 3.3 Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Theme 4: Healthy and Inclusive Communities:

  • 4.1 Collaborative Health and Social Care
  • 4.2 Rural Regeneration and Social Inclusion
  • 4.3 Victims and Survivors

Theme 5: Supporting a Sustainable and Better Connected Future:

  • 5.1 Biodiversity, Nature Recovery, and Resilience
  • 5.2 Marine and Coastal Management
  • 5.3 & 5.4  Water Quality (Cross-Border Catchments and Water Bodies)
  • 5.5 Geothermal Energy Demonstration Programme
  • 5.6 Enhanced Sustainable Travel Connectivity

Theme 6: Building and Embedding Partnership and Collaboration:

  • 6.1 Strategic Planning and Engagement.
  • 6.2 Maintaining and Forging Relationships between Citizens

An animated video giving an overview of the draft content of the PEACE PLUS Programme (2021-2027) can be viewed below

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