1. Apply for PPSN (Personal Public Services Number). This number is issued to you by the government and allows you to access public services. If you have children with you, you must apply for their PPSN also. 

2. Apply for your basic Social Welfare entitlements and Child Benefit, if applicable. You can apply for your PPSN & Social Welfare at the location below:

Cavan Intreo Centre, Dublin Road, Co Cavan, H12 A250
View location on map:

3. Once you receive your PPSN you can apply for your PSC (Public Services Card). You can apply for your PSC at a location below:

Cavan Intreo Centre, Dublin Road, Co Cavan, H12 A250

View location on map
This is a walk in service only.

Ballyconnell Branch Office, Unit 5, The Conall Building, Main Street,
Ballyconnell, H14EH04

View location on map
This is an appointment service only. You can book an appointment by contacting:
(049) 9527670


Manorhamilton Intreo Centre, Sligo Road Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, F91
AD90 (Covers West Cavan)

View location on map
This is an appointment service only. You can book an appointment by contacting:
0818 405060

When attending to apply for your PSC, ensure you read the guidance on which documents you need to bring.

4. Once you receive your PSC you can set up a MyGovID account at www.mygovid.ie allowing you to access a range of public services.


Updates to Ukraine welfare payments  

  • As of June 2024, income assessment for those in employment for 12 weeks or more.
  • No DEA (Daily Expenses Allowance) if earning over €125 a week,
  • If a person’s income is above €60 and below €125, a reduced rate of DEA will be based on their earnings.
  • Under €60, DEA not affected.
  • Only the DEA of the person receiving income will be affected. i.e. not children and spouse.
  • People with permission to work and in employment, may qualify for Working Family Payment. This is a weekly tax-free payment available to employees with children.
  • Any Beneficiary of Temporary Protection Payment (BOTPs) living in a Designated Accommodation Centre (DAC) will be entitled to a net weekly payment of €38.80 per adult and €29.80 per child subject to an income test


Useful links:  

Cavan Citizens Information Centre

Ireland's response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine (www.gov.ie) – a dedicated site with information on the Irish government’s response to the Ukraine crisis, and all the government supports available.

Income supports for those arriving from Ukraine under the EU Temporary Protection Directive (www.gov.ie) – a page with information on all social welfare supports for those affected. This information is available in both the Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Intreo centres and local branch offices (www.gov.ie) – this directory gives a list
of the locations, contact details and opening hours of all our offices including the
dedicated Ukraine Support Centres.

Benefit of work estimator a quick way of checking how or if income from work, including part time work, could affect a payment from the Department of SocialProtection.