Explore the Traditions Associated with Brigid

Time to explore some of the traditions associated with Brigid.

Age & Opportunity and Age Friendly Ireland are inviting Older People to take part in a series of inter-county events at the end of September, finishing off the event with a pageant to commemorate Samhain.

We will explore the traditions associated with Brigid through poetry, craft –making, myth and ceremony.

We will be exploring Celtic wisdoms, stories, poems and folklore while linking natural world learnings to the elements of fire, earth, air and water plus heritage sites.

We will be filming the final ceremony so that we can broadcast it on Brigid’s day in 2023.

No expertise needed, come and have fun with artist Marie Brett, joint workshops will take place in:

  • Errigal Hotel, Cootehill, Co. Cavan- September 27th (Participants from Cavan and Monaghan).

For further information or registration please contact:

Deirdre Donnelly, Age Friendly Programme Manager, Cavan, ddonnelly@cavancoco.ie