€212,000 secured to develop outdoor adventure projects
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has announced funding of over €212,000 to develop eight outdoor adventure projects across County Cavan.
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has announced funding of over €212,000 to develop eight outdoor adventure projects across County Cavan.
On Wednesday 20th July Cavan County Council’s Cavan Age Friendly Programme launched the Cavan Age Friendly Strategy 2022 – 2024.
Irish Water is appealing to businesses in Cavan to correctly dispose of trade effluent and to be aware of the impact that large volumes of trade effluent can have on public wastewater networks, plants and on the environment.
Repairs to a burst water main may cause water supply disruptions in Cathedral Road, Keadue, and surrounding areas in Cavan Town.
HER Outdoors Week will take place from Monday, 8 August to Sunday, 14 August 2022.
The Gum Litter Taskforce visited Virginia, Co. Cavan this week to spread awareness of the importance of disposing of gum responsibly.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) pose a risk to health and the environment.
Met Éireann has issued a status yellow - thunderstorm warning for County Cavan, effective until 9pm on Tuesday, 19th July.
Local Property Tax: Notice of Consideration of Setting a Local Adjustment Factor
Met Éireann has issued a Status Yellow - High Temperature Warning, with a hot spell continuing from Sunday, 17 July into early next week.